


彭其胜 博士

人兽共患病研究教育部重点实验室 教授

Qisheng Peng, Ph.D.

Associate Professor ,Key Laboratory of Zoonosis Research,Ministry of Education

Phone: 0431-87836711

Fax: 0431-87836760






2005 吉林大学,博士

Ph.D., College of Veterinary, Jilin University,China

2000 解放军军需大学,硕士

M.Sc., Department of Animal Science, Quatermaster University, PLA,China

1992 大连海洋大学,学士

B.Sc., College of Life Science, Dalin Ocean University,China


2011-present 教育部人兽共患病重点实验室副教授

Associate Professor

Key Laboratory of Zoonosis Research, Ministry of Education,China

2011-present 奥克拉荷马大学健康科学中心研究助理教授,

Research Assistant Professor

Oklahoma University Health Sceince Center,USA

2007-2011 奥克拉荷马大学健康科学中心 博士后

Postdoctoral fellow

Oklahoma University Health Sceince Center,USA

2006-2007 Geisinger 医学中心 博士后

Postdoctoral fellow

Geisinger Medicine Center,USA



Member,American Association of Immunologists


Member,American Society for Bone and Mineral Research




我们实验室研究主要集中以下两个方向:由于脓血症、SIRS(全身炎症反应综合征)、手术创伤等感染或非感染炎症反应在术后死亡率占有很高比重,我们的第一个研究方向是关于DOK3( Downstream Of Kinase3)如何调控内毒素耐受以及证实DOK3表达变化能否作为脓血症或SIRS的检测指标;由于布氏病在我国感染变得日益严重,第二个即将启动的研究方向是布氏杆菌感染单核-巨噬细胞或树突状细胞后DAP12 和 FcRγ信号传导机理 ,以期找到相关的靶向蛋白能增强机体的天然免疫能力,特别是增强单核-巨噬细胞吞噬和杀死胞内寄生的布氏杆菌。

Immune responses are regulated by membrane receptors that serve to activate or inhibit cell proliferation and differentiation, cytokines production, and cell-mediated cytotoxicity.The DAP12 and FcRγ signaling adapter associates with many different human and mouse receptors such as myeloid receptors TREM2 and FcR. DAP12 and FcRγ have an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) in its cytoplasmic domain. When a DAP12 or FcRγ-associated receptor encounters its ligand, DAP12 or FcRγ is tyrosine phosphorylated, which results in the recruitment of syk or SHP or SHIP based on characterization of ligands– initiating activation or inhibition of cytokine production and cell-mediated cytotoxicity. FcRγ or FcRγ-associated receptors FcγRIII (also called CD16) plays a crutial role in elimilation of E.coli.

Projects in our laboratory are focused on understanding the regulation of the inflammatory response of macrophages and dendritic cells, two types of white blood cells involved in the early defense against infection. Although this inflammatory response is beneficial to the host for pathogen clearance, it can result in diseases if unchecked. This can be seen in septic shock as well as intracellular infection such as Brucella. Our studies will investigate the contribution of DOK3( Downstream Of Kinase3) in inducing endotoxin tolerance, and dissect whether DOK3 can be used to predict disease prognosis like sepsis,SIRS(systemic inflamatory response syndrome).Another ongoing project will study how to promote the innate immunity or adaptive immunity in Brucella infected macrophages and dendritic cells,especialy phagocytosis and killing capacity, through investigation of DAP12 and FcRγ signaling pathway.




Recent Publications

1.Peng Q, Malhotra S, Torchia JA, Kerr WG, Coggeshall KM, Humphrey MB. TREM2- and DAP12-dependent activation of PI3K requires DAP10 and is inhibited by SHIP1. Science signal. 2010 May 18;3(122):ra38

2. Wang J*, Peng Q*, Lin Q, Childress C, Carey D, Yang W. Calcium activates Nedd4 E3 ubiquitin ligases by releasing the C2 domain-mediated auto-inhibition. J Biol Chem. 2010 Apr 16;285(16):12279-88. 2010 Feb 19. (* Equal contribution)

3.Wang S, Peng Q, Zhang J, Liu L. Na+/H+ exchanger is required for hyperglycaemia-induced endothelial dysfunction via calcium-dependent calpain.Cardiovasc Res. 2008 Nov 1;80(2):255-62.2008 Jun 30

4.Peng Q, ZHANG Guo-li,WU Guang-mou,YUE Yu-huang,MEN Rui-qi,ZHU Ping.Soluble expression,Purification and Cytotoxicity of IL-1023-57-PE40. Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2005, Vol 21(4).

5. Peng Q, ZHU Ping.High level Expression,Purification and Cytotoxicity of IL-1018-57-PE40. CHINESE JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY,2006, Vol 22(1).


2009 ASBMR(American Society for Bone and Mineral Research)年青科学家奖

2009 ASBMR(American Society for Bone and Mineral Research)Young Investigator Award