

    职务 主讲人
    时间 地点
    主要研究方向 人兽共患病毒病的分子致病机制 主要学术成果 科研项目:   
    1、国家自然科学基金面上项目,32072902,狂犬病病毒靶向宿主蛋白Snapin调控病毒感染与天然免疫反应的机制研究,2021/01-2024/12, 58万元,主持。
    3、973项目子课题,2012CB518901,DNA病毒感染导致炎症反应的规律,2012/01-2016/09,37万元 (可支配),参加。

    1. Yidi Guo, Xiaohang Yu, Ning Su, Ning Shi, Shu Zhang, Le Zhang, Li Yang, Lili Zhao, Zhenhong Guan, Maolin Zhang, Ming Duan. Identification and characterization of circular RNAs in the A549 cells following Influenza A virus infection. Vet Microbiol. 2022, 267:109390.
    2. Jing Xu, Jie Gao, Maolin Zhang, Danwei Zhang, Ming Duan, Zhenhong Guan, Yidi Guo. Dynein- and kinesin-mediated intracellular transport on microtubules facilitates RABV infection. Vet Microbiol, 2021, 262:109241.
    3. Ning Shi, Shu Zhang, Yidi Guo, Xiuhua Yu, Weizheng Zhao, Maolin Zhang, Zhenhong Guan, Ming Duan. CircRNA_0050463 promotes influenza A virus replication by sponging miR-33b-5p to regulate EEF1A1. Vet Microbiol, 2021, 254:108995.
    4. Guo Yidi, Duan Ming, Wang Xinyu, Gao Jie, Guan Zhenhong, Zhang Maolin. Early events in rabies virus infection-Attachment, entry, and intracellular trafficking. Virus Res, 2019, 2(263):217-225.
    5. Zhang Huanhuan, Yu Hongmin, Wang Jiahui, Zhang Maolin, Wang Xinrui, Ahmad W, Duan Ming, Guan Zhenhong. The BM2 protein of influenza B virus interacts with p53 and inhibits its transcriptional and apoptotic activities, Mol Cell Biochem, 2015, 403(1-2):187-197.
    6. Yan Song, Jinli Hou, Bin Qiao, Yanchao Li, Ye Xu, Ming Duan, Zhenhong Guan, Maolin Zhang, and Liankun Sun. Street rabies virus causes dendritic injury and F-actin depolymerization in the hippocampus. J Gen Virol, 2013, 94:276-283.
    7. Zhenhong Guan, Maolin Zhang, Peili Hou, Ming Duan,Yuming Cui, Xinrui Wang. Identification of cellular proteins interacting with influenza A virus PB1-F2 protein. Acta virologica, 2012, 56: 199-207.
    8. Zhenhong Guan, Ning Shi, Yan Song, Xiaoyang Zhang, Maolin Zhang, Ming Duan. Induction of the cellular microRNA-29c by influenza virus contributes to virus-mediated apoptosis through repression of antiapoptotic factors BCL2L2. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2012, 31;425(3):662-667.
    9. Xue Bai, Xiuping Wu, Xuelin Wang, Zhenhong Guan, Fei Gao, Jianli Yu, Lu Yu, Bin Tang, Xiaolei Liu, Yanxia Song, Xinrui Wang, Blaga Radu, Pascal Boireau, Feng Wang,  Mingyuan Liu. Regulation of cytokine expression in murine macrophages stimulated by excretory/secretory products from Trichinella spiralis in vitro. Mol Cell Biochem, 2012, 360(1-2):79-88.
    10. 张乐,于小航,苏宁,赵丽丽,关振宏,段铭等.犬瘟热病毒跨物种传播的研究进展[J].中国兽医学报,2023,43(03):637-642.
    11. 徐国双,姜童潇,郭艺迪,段铭,张茂林,关振宏*.利用GST pull-down联合质谱技术鉴定H7N9禽流感病毒PA-X的互作蛋白[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(01):121-127.
    12. 徐国双,金新,郭艺迪,张茂林,段铭,关振宏*.小槐花提取物对甲型H1N1流感病毒感染的体外抑制作用[J].吉林农业大学学报:1-9[2021-08-26].
    13. 徐国双,刘恩华,张茂林,段铭,关振宏*. H5N1禽流感病毒PB1-F2特异性单克隆抗体的制备与鉴定[J].动物医学进展,2020,41(07):1-6.
    14. 金新,于洪敏,张茂林,段铭,李影,关振宏*. 禽流感病毒AM2蛋白相互作用宿主蛋白的筛选及初步验证.中国兽医学报,2017, 37(05):866-870.
    15. 于洪敏,金新,张茂林, 段铭, 关振宏*. A型流感病毒PB1-F2蛋白与蛋白激酶R相互作用研究, 动物医学进展, 2017, 38(05):1-5.
    介绍 吉林大学人兽共患病研究所副教授,博士生导师
  • 个人简介






    2007/8-至今 吉林大学,人兽共患病研究所,副教授


    1. 文心田,于恩庶,关振宏等,《当代世界人兽共患病学》《四川科学技术出版社》,2011.3

    2. 柳增善,张茂林,关振宏等,《兽医公共卫生学》《中国轻工业出版社》,2010. 1

    3. 钱爱东,李影,关振宏等,《毛皮动物疾病》,《中国农业出版社》 2009.8

  • 主要研究方向


  • 主要学术成果

    1、国家自然科学基金面上项目,32072902,狂犬病病毒靶向宿主蛋白Snapin调控病毒感染与天然免疫反应的机制研究,2021/01-2024/12, 58万元,主持。
    3、973项目子课题,2012CB518901,DNA病毒感染导致炎症反应的规律,2012/01-2016/09,37万元 (可支配),参加。

    1. Yidi Guo, Xiaohang Yu, Ning Su, Ning Shi, Shu Zhang, Le Zhang, Li Yang, Lili Zhao, Zhenhong Guan, Maolin Zhang, Ming Duan. Identification and characterization of circular RNAs in the A549 cells following Influenza A virus infection. Vet Microbiol. 2022, 267:109390.
    2. Jing Xu, Jie Gao, Maolin Zhang, Danwei Zhang, Ming Duan, Zhenhong Guan, Yidi Guo. Dynein- and kinesin-mediated intracellular transport on microtubules facilitates RABV infection. Vet Microbiol, 2021, 262:109241.
    3. Ning Shi, Shu Zhang, Yidi Guo, Xiuhua Yu, Weizheng Zhao, Maolin Zhang, Zhenhong Guan, Ming Duan. CircRNA_0050463 promotes influenza A virus replication by sponging miR-33b-5p to regulate EEF1A1. Vet Microbiol, 2021, 254:108995.
    4. Guo Yidi, Duan Ming, Wang Xinyu, Gao Jie, Guan Zhenhong, Zhang Maolin. Early events in rabies virus infection-Attachment, entry, and intracellular trafficking. Virus Res, 2019, 2(263):217-225.
    5. Zhang Huanhuan, Yu Hongmin, Wang Jiahui, Zhang Maolin, Wang Xinrui, Ahmad W, Duan Ming, Guan Zhenhong. The BM2 protein of influenza B virus interacts with p53 and inhibits its transcriptional and apoptotic activities, Mol Cell Biochem, 2015, 403(1-2):187-197.
    6. Yan Song, Jinli Hou, Bin Qiao, Yanchao Li, Ye Xu, Ming Duan, Zhenhong Guan, Maolin Zhang, and Liankun Sun. Street rabies virus causes dendritic injury and F-actin depolymerization in the hippocampus. J Gen Virol, 2013, 94:276-283.
    7. Zhenhong Guan, Maolin Zhang, Peili Hou, Ming Duan,Yuming Cui, Xinrui Wang. Identification of cellular proteins interacting with influenza A virus PB1-F2 protein. Acta virologica, 2012, 56: 199-207.
    8. Zhenhong Guan, Ning Shi, Yan Song, Xiaoyang Zhang, Maolin Zhang, Ming Duan. Induction of the cellular microRNA-29c by influenza virus contributes to virus-mediated apoptosis through repression of antiapoptotic factors BCL2L2. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2012, 31;425(3):662-667.
    9. Xue Bai, Xiuping Wu, Xuelin Wang, Zhenhong Guan, Fei Gao, Jianli Yu, Lu Yu, Bin Tang, Xiaolei Liu, Yanxia Song, Xinrui Wang, Blaga Radu, Pascal Boireau, Feng Wang,  Mingyuan Liu. Regulation of cytokine expression in murine macrophages stimulated by excretory/secretory products from Trichinella spiralis in vitro. Mol Cell Biochem, 2012, 360(1-2):79-88.
    10. 张乐,于小航,苏宁,赵丽丽,关振宏,段铭等.犬瘟热病毒跨物种传播的研究进展[J].中国兽医学报,2023,43(03):637-642.
    11. 徐国双,姜童潇,郭艺迪,段铭,张茂林,关振宏*.利用GST pull-down联合质谱技术鉴定H7N9禽流感病毒PA-X的互作蛋白[J].广东农业科学,2022,49(01):121-127.
    12. 徐国双,金新,郭艺迪,张茂林,段铭,关振宏*.小槐花提取物对甲型H1N1流感病毒感染的体外抑制作用[J].吉林农业大学学报:1-9[2021-08-26].
    13. 徐国双,刘恩华,张茂林,段铭,关振宏*. H5N1禽流感病毒PB1-F2特异性单克隆抗体的制备与鉴定[J].动物医学进展,2020,41(07):1-6.
    14. 金新,于洪敏,张茂林,段铭,李影,关振宏*. 禽流感病毒AM2蛋白相互作用宿主蛋白的筛选及初步验证.中国兽医学报,2017, 37(05):866-870.
    15. 于洪敏,金新,张茂林, 段铭, 关振宏*. A型流感病毒PB1-F2蛋白与蛋白激酶R相互作用研究, 动物医学进展, 2017, 38(05):1-5.